Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wednesday Wonders

I decided over the weekend to come up with doing what I like to call Wednesday Wonders. I know blogging is all about talking about what's going on in our own lives and letting other people know what's up with "us", but I'm an opinionated and vocal person, and I enjoy current events! I'm just very.. passionate about topics in my community and in the world that kind of lock on to my heartstrings and get me thinking critically. Anyways, it's just good to stay informed about what is going on inside our bubble, so if you want to play along all you need to do is title it Wednesday Wonders, then go to your local paper or newspaper website (ie. Atlanta Journal Constitution, New York Times, MSNBC, USA Today) and find an article that interests you. Here's the easy part, please place a link on your blog for everyone to go to the article, and just let us hear YOUR opinion and what all YOU are wondering about the issue or situation that is going on! So here's my very first:

Hmmm.. another Kennedy with a seat in our Government??? It could be happening soon for Caroline kennedy, who is vying for the open seat left by Sen. Hiliary Clinton, and I'm on the fence about this one.
When I was in high school I had to do a term paper in a history class and decided my topic would be JFK, Jr. As I started researching our former President's life I became inthrawled. I couldn't find enough information to read fast enough. Just like all of us there were happy and sad moments in his life, as well as triumphs and pitfalls, but all of it stuck with me. I loved how his father made sure that their family was well-rounded.He had personally experienced a lot of hardships in his life all because he was Roman Catholic, and he never wanted his children to feel like outsiders. He would quiz them every night at the dinner table about politics, literature, world history, etc., anthing that would get the minds of Jack and his seven siblings' minds churning. Anyways, from my point of view Caroline Kennedy comes from a line of highly respectable ancestors.. even though their are a few (ie. her uncle Ted Kennedy) who I think our entire political system would be better without.
The MSNBC article discusses how there are men and women who do not believe it's fair that she use her name as a jumping off point straight into the deep end of our government. I for one think, " You go Girl!" for having the gumption to have chosen to stay home and raise a family after having graduated from Columbia Law School, but she definitely has proven herself worthy YET of such a large position. I think it would be wonderful to see in a position like this one day, but for now I just think she needs to show what she can do to help our country in other ways. Women have to work twice as hard to prove themselves in the business world, so I wouldn't think it's much different in the political world, atleast if you want to have respect of your colleagues and not just be a pretty face. She's a great role model as far as I'm concerned, so I hope she continues to be herself and use the knowledge and legacy of her family to do some great things in Senate or out!

Okay. so what's your thoughts?? Let's here 'em!

P.S. My mother's maiden name is Fitzgerald so.. there's a prety high chance that we're related to the Kennedy's, probably way way back when "we" scotch-irish folk were still in Scotland.. or Ireland!! just food for thought!

1 comment:

currifa said...

the trick though with Caroline Kennedy is everything. She has not voted in the past 6 elections. Not only that she has no political experience besides through her family. She is close with her uncle Ted whom everyone would be better with out and to me thats scary. The governor of New York doesnt not want her in a senate seat!!! This being said if she does make it to the senate ( do not be surprised ) we should chalk up a nother nut job from the democratic party being placed in a postition of power and hope that the GOOD Lord Above has a plan for us or an unveiling of just how corrupt and undermining the Democratic party truly is...