Thursday, March 5, 2009


I'm trying to resurface from the depths of the busy pool and get back to bloggin daily! Boy would I do awful at "having" to blog every day for a month! Things have been so busy lately, but I love this time of year!

I took a mini holiday which I'm sure y'all could tell by the pictures from last week, to visit my parents who I hadn't seen in months. It was so nice to relax a little and just spend some quality time with them. Do y'all ever return from a holiday and the sec you're back in town you can't remember what it was like being gone?? I'm definitely feeling that way!

This weekend is coming up fast and it's going to be a busy one! It's that wonderful time of year where I get to celebrate the birth of the most AMAZING Woman God has ever created!
She is so sweet and so wonderful, and her birth is coming up in just a few days! Growing up during the depression she has always been a very humble person. She loves buying sweet gifts for every person in our family for bdays and holidays, but always say, "Ohhhh... Honey, don't get me anything. Really. I really don't need a thing." And she means it too...until this year! She had such a horrible rough year (starting RIGHT after her birthday last year) and is so happy and delighted to be celebrating her birthday this year. It's as if there is a renewed spirit inside of her, and she wants to celebrate the days that God has given her on Earth.
The fam is having a little get together Sunday and I can't wait to take photos to have forever to remember her 84th bday! Wait..errr I mean 37! (You're welcome Grams :) ) My Grandaddy said last night that she looks like she's 38, but that she acts like a 24yr old! Haha! Oh I love them so so much!
Hope y'all have been having blessed days in my absencse! I've been stalking u all like a mad woman last night and this morning tryin to see what all I've missed out on!

1 comment:

Andhari said...

Your family sounds awesome. Happy birthday to her, what are you getting her? have a great weekend.:)