Thursday, March 19, 2009

Writer's Workshop:Pipe Dreams

***Disclaimer:If you are family and you aren't in the mood to have a twist to your day that is good/scary then don't read today! I write what I feel--- so I'm atleast tryin to warn u!***

I'm late writing... yeah so? Atleast I'm tryin to blog a little , peeps! I'm so off on my blogtiming lately its a little ridiculous, but hopefully MamaKat will forgive me and still accept my lil' post!

On with it shall we? Time for me to pick.....

The Prompts:
1.) I used to think...
2.) List ten things you can do in three minutes.
3.) Describe a time you allowed your child to do something that you normally would not let slide.
4.) I want to become friends with...
5.) What are you currently fascinated with?

I pick: 1.) I use to think... that I wanted to get married right out of college. Now I realize I was crazy! I've been out a year already, and life still hasn't settled down much yet! I've now changed it to " my twenties." :) More feasible! I still am very much ready to start a family, but it doesn't have to be before I turn 23! haha

I use to think... that being the baby of the family was horrible!! Now I realize I can learn from everyone else, and that it's okay that everyone is protective over me. They love me and just want the best for me.

I use to think... I wanted ONLY biological kids when I grew up. Now I have a desire to adopt also. I've learned that my heart has a larger desire than a 17yr old could understand before! ( God shows us things in life when we're ready--- He knows what we can handle pretty well, dosn't he?)

I use to think...(and this is a big one).. That ever seeing Chase again was just a pipe dream. A fantastic hope that was nearly impossible to ever have come true. Now I know I was wrong! One day that will be a dream come true, and maybe soon even! *See next blog to understand more details*

Okay... that's all! What sort of things did y'all use to think???????
Love y'all,

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

What a great post!

What a cute blog you have!!