Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jon and Kate + 8-- Finally!!!

I can't believe it's finally here! In just a few days I'm going to get to do something that I've actually been hoping for starting 4 years ago... Let me explain...

There was this little show on TLC that started as a one-time documentary of this family's life that went from being your typical Mom & Dad with 4yr old twin girls... to being a family built up of a Mom & Dad with 4 yr old twin girls AND 6 new baby brothers and sisters. If you ever turn on the TV, I'm pretty sure y'all have heard of Jon & Kate Gosselin and their beautiful 8 kids, also known as Jon & Kate + 8! I have been watching their show on TLC ever since the first airing of the documentary of their struggle with getting married young, having trouble getting pregnant, and the beautiful 8 children that God has blessed them with.
(L to R: Collin, Joel, Leah, Cara, Mady, Alexis, Hannah and Aiden-- Jon and Kate in back)
I fell in love with them from the moment I started watching for many, many reasons. I'm an only child/ youngest of 4kids and the only girl, so needless to say if we just start from that I'm part of a big family that keeps growing with many many many cousins, and second cousins, and I myself have always wanted to have a huge family. I still can't ever imagine myself having only 1 or 2 children, unless that ends up being all that God blesses me with.. and in that case, I'm definitely not going to argue the issue!

Point being.. The love that I could see in the Gosselin family gave me such hope and joy watching them struggle through parenting 8 children, and still making sure that God stayed number one in their lives. Which was the second reason I love them. They have a close relationship with God (which unfotunately for "entertainment" purposes TLC does NOT choose to show enough) which is evident in scripture that is written on ever single cabinet in their home, and words that they choose to teach to their children.

I've always wanted the opportunity to get to meet Jon, Kate, Cara, Mady, Alexis, Hannah, Aiden, Collin, Leah, and Joel and Yes my loves... the opportunity has presented itself!!! Although I will not be getting to meet them all, I will be getting to meet Kate this Friday!!!!!!!!!
She is coming to Roswell United Methodist Church (my Gram's church) as part of the RUMC Family Counciling Program that brings in speakers to the church. I can not wait to get to hear her talk, and get her book signed, Multiple Blessings, that I read back in the fall.

To be clear... YES, I have heard all of the horrible rumors that are flying around about their family, and all I have to say is 2 things: #1 Are you so into gossip that you are willing to trash people who you don't even know? (By "you" in mean the unverisal you- i'm not speaking to anyone specifically! :) ) They are human- They have 8 children- And live real lives just like we do. Back off of them!!!
#2 Whether or not the rumors are true, please pray for them. We aren't perfect and neither are they. It's not our right nor place to hold them to higher standards than we hold ourselves. Pray for them that whatever is going on that it strengthens their family instead of breaking it, and that they continue to know that they are safe in God's hands. As Christians when we make mistakes, they are held to higher standards by the outside world which is why they need the support of the people like you and I who know that He is the only one to turn to in good times and bad.
I can't wait to write to y'all on Saturday and share my experience with you all. I'm intersted to hear what she speaks about and to just tell her thanks for sharing her life even though there are those out there who want to tear them down.
Love y'all ton and tons,
P.S. Go visit their website, SixGosselins, they share devotions and prayer requests that have been sent to them that they want to share with others! I promise y'all will love it :)

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Oh how I'd love to be there with you!!!
I haven't heard any rumors but I'm proud of what you said!
Take lots of pics for me!