Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Re: Praying For Stellan

Prayers for Stellan
Poor, sweet little Stellan is still not doing well. He's in the Children's Hospital still and his precious little heart will not come out of SVT for longer than half a minute. They have tried many different treatments, and so far his body is not responding to any of them. They had him on "Esmolol (beta blocker)" but are now taking him off of it because his body stopped responding to it, and he's now on "Amiodorone", and " also on a steroid (for his breathing/ retracting/ wheezing since he can't be on nebs obviously) and oral Flecainide." I'm quoting directly from MckMama's twitters because I know very little about the medical world.
Please continue to pray for God to heal Stellan. He is God Almighty, the Great Physician, and he is the One with the power to heal sweet Stellan's tired and weak body if it is in his plan. He is a beautiful children, born into a Godly and loving family, and I pray that they would no longer have to endure this helplessness while the physicians continue to test new possibilities of flipping Stellan's heart beat back into a slow and even rhythm.
It's all in His Hands

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