Monday, March 23, 2009

Pray For Stellan

Not a good start this morning! As typical for a Monday, I arrived at work checked some weekly updates, got my news for the morning, then decided to click on over to My Charming Kids to see if Mckmama had posted her Not Me! Monday yet. I was shocked to find this in its place:

Stellan in the Hospital with SVT

I couldn't believe this sweet little baby had been rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night! It immediately broke my heart to think of him laying there helpless, while MckMama had no option except to sit in the waiting room praying to God that he take care of her baby and heal his heart.. yet again.

The McKinnon family's faith in the Lord, is unfailing even in moments like this-- I've promised to pray for sweet Stellan all day on the hour until an update comes from MckMama saying Stellan is returning back home! Please say a pray for him as well, and keep this family in your prayers!

Will update when I hear any news!

In his name-- Kaylan

The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him. Exodus 15:2

My 10am prayer:

Dear Lord, Please be with the McKinnon family today as they trust in you, the Great Physican, to heal there sweet Stellan's heart. They know that you are in control and that even that this frightening time that You are the one in control. Please lay your hands upon him and heal his little heart. Please give the doctor's at Children's Hospital the knowledge and strength needed to slow his heart down and return his strength. Please be with his Mommy & Daddy as the fear of the unknown is hard to not become overwhelmed with. And also with his MBS(many big siblings) as they try to understand why Stellan isn't at home with them today. Be with them all in these moments, as you always are. In Jesus Name I Pray- Amen.

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