Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Monday Monday Monday!

I have a case of the Mondays! That's for sure! I've always thought that was such a strange saying but it fits! I woke up this morning, read by clock that said "5:15", and thought to myself, " No Way! I couldn't have been asleep longer than 5 minutes! Ugh!" Oh well! I'm at work and trying to reflect on last week now!

So as usual came the Good, the Bad and the Ugly....

I did not get to spend 3 days up in New York/ New Jersey last week for work, and enjoy every moment of it immensely. I hate going up North. So many beautiful buildings to be forced to take pictures of, amazingly diverse cultures, and scrumtious foods to eat! Who in the world would like those things?! ICK! ....really? I hope yall know me better than that by now! lol

I did not get to go to a PORTUGUESE Grocery store while in Jersey and I did not get a Portuguese Nestle Easter Egg while I was there!!!! Oh no, not me! I'm certainly not slick enough to have gotten one for free just by being my wonderful self :) I would also never be adventurous enough to pick out a strawberry egg instead of a plain chocolate egg either! ( Seriously.. I can not WAIT to eat this thing yall! I promise to take pictures-- it is almost a foot tall!)

I also did not get giddy when I realized I get to cross another state of My List: Conneticutt!!!!

And because I am a rule abidder, I would never convince my mom to bring Shadow to my work... and up to my office... on her way out of town on Friday. No no no. No puppies in my building :)

I would never in a million years have gone to see Larry the Cable Guy on Saturday night either.. and if or when I did not commit this crime I would have laughed my head off at his jokes for two hours straight! I did not think it was pretty nifty that we had front row seats, nope, nuh-uh, and I would never love teh fact that I was able to shake his hand! (Pictures to follow)

Oh the Bad side............ I would never yell at my b.f. on the way to the show because I was starving and grouchy and we had no time to eat before we left. I would never doubt his ability to drive through atl without wrecking, and even if I doubted him I would not scream at him for not reading my mind and not knowing which lane to be in....... I did not feel extreme guilt for "knocking him down" instead of building him up... And it is not still on my mind this morning that I need to work on being supportive even when I'm stressed out.

I also would never have tried to guilt trip him into staying in Atl a few more days with me instead of leaving to go turkey hunting by saying, "Why are you even going? You didn't kill even ONE last year."......(Low blow..I know)... I did not regret having said it, and begin to encourage him immediately that this year would be different.....

So I did not wake up this morning and send him a text bright and early saying I hope he brings home a HUGE bird, and that he has a great time hunting today! Nope Not Me!!! I'm totally guilt free!!

*SIGH* Feels good to clear the air! Love ya guys and gals~ Hope you're having a great monday!

For more Not Me! Monday's go over to see MckMama! She'll be glad to have ya!


Carma Sez said...

Larry the Cable Guy - fun! Great NMM"s :-)

Andhari said...

So happy you did NOT have a good time. LOL.