Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Eli

Happy 2nd Birthday Eli!
Robert Elias McCall
Birth & Death: March 28th, 2007

***This pic is directly from Profoundly Seth! Go to the site***
For anyone who follows the stories of Ellyn's beautiful youngest sons, you already know who Eli is. Eli is a little boy whose parents, Ellyn and John, were so excited to have a 3rd child, their second son, be born on March 28th, 2007. But they had know way of knowing before that day that their beautiful son would die just hours before his birth.

Today the McCall family is in New York city with Eli's big sister, big brother, and little brother, all celebrating Eli's life and the impact that he is still making on this Earth.

I just wanted to take a moment to say Happy Birthday to him, because even though he's up in heaven with God, it's still important to remember him and his family that are still grieving his loss. The loss of not knowing the person he would have grown up to be.

Ellyn's family is beautiful, and they are firmly based in their faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ. They challenge my faith daily-- and in learning about them, my faith has grown.

I wanted to share this video with you all today. It is mostly about Eli's little brother Seth, who is profoundly deaf and awaiting Cochlear Implants soon, but it is about the journey and the struggles that they have gone through and survived. *Turn off the music at the bottom of the page first :)*

Love y'all! ~KK

P.S. Anyone who went over and contributed to the Profound Pictures... You Are Awesome!! They raised over $3000 for Seth and two amazing charities! Thanks for helping!

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