Saturday, March 14, 2009

fPhoto Friday 2.0

After having so much fun with my photo yesterday, I decided to go back to Natalie's very first fPhoto Friday and review peoples photos from back in Oct. 08. I happend upon Ree's The Pioneer Woman Photography and was DELIGHTED to find that she has tutorials on HOW TO Use Photoshop! I've been digging all over google and hitting dead ends trying to find tutorials on how to use layers step-by-step or new ways to edit my photos instead of running over to all the time. Don't get me wrong, I still picnik! I'm a Picnikin' fool, but I want to Leeaaarn how to be... good? atleast at editting my own photos. SO here is my photo of Kimber "my adopted son" back in January at Kiesel Park. We went to take pics.... and ended up layin on the ground and being slobbered on instead :) This was the only non-blurred (ie. Kimber didn't attack me with.."love" in this pic!) photo I took that day. So here is how I tried to switch it up a bit:
What do you think? If y'all use photoshops I'd love for suggestions! I'm learning so I know it's a little too red, but I'm trying to get a grasp on layers, hue/saturations, etc.

Love y'all! And thanks for stoppin' by! have a wonderful weekend!

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