Thursday, March 19, 2009

Last Weeks Writer's Workshop

Since I was in NewYork last week I completly missed out on MamaKat's Writer's Workshop, and although I've never tried to play "catch up" on a workshop before I spotted a Prompt that I wanted to write about... It leads in to a prompt for this week actually (kinda underlining, but if you know me... you'll understand)

Here were the prompts:
The Prompts:
1.) Discuss an intense game of Pictionary that you spent most of Saturday night arguing with your family about, only to log in to your email account two days later to find 35 emails between said family regarding aformentioned game and rules.
2.) Tell about a time you hurt somebody that still bothers you to this day.
3.) The one that got away....spill it.
4.) What inspired you? Write about a time when you were impassioned to write.
5.) What happened in the last year? Write about something you can do now that you couldn't do a year ago.

I pick: #5. What happend in the last year? Write about something you can do now that you couldn't do a year ago?

A year ago THIS WEEK, I was on Spring Break in Arizonia with my parents and Ankoo enjoying the warmth and trying to relax before finishing up my final semester in college. We decided to take a ride over to the Red Rock Mountains on Mon or Tues (cant remember for sure) and got a call from one of my mom's siblings informing us that BOTH of my grandparents had been rushed to the hospital in ambulences. My Grams had gone in to a diabetic coma, and my granddaddy was so sick from pnemonia ,unbeknown to all of us, that he was in bed unresponsive as well. It was so scary to be so far away and feel helpless. I hated it. My first response was panic.. that quickly turned to anger. I wanted to go HOME. That very instant. Not in a few days. Not at the end of the week. I wanted to be with them to comfort them right then!............ I didn't get my way... We waited... We got updates constantly, and my Granddaddy was released from the hospital, but the long 9 months that followed were life defining for my Grandma.

I've written about her nearly year-long struggle in and out of the hospital and coming so near to death that our family was called in to say goodbye and to "Let her go peacefully."

So thankful God is in control, NOT doctors! Because She is her today, and well! Beyond well! Being as sick as she was she is physically weaker, but is spiritually stronger. She's an Olguin Women... She's not going dow without a fight! :)

So what can I do now that I couldn't fully do a year ago, you ask??? I can trust the Lord without any doubt at all-- period. It is that simple. Yes indeedy! Anyone that tries to tell me, "It just not that easy to hand things over to Him!" is not really trying to. It is hard, but have faith in the truths that you know- that's the best way I know how to say it. I sat in that hospital room with streams of tears rolling down my cheeks and drenching my shirt, with a smile on my face while I held a breathing mask up for my sweet,beautiful Grandmother so she could breathe even when she had no idea what was going on. I never saw the light go out in her- I heard doctors say, "There is no hope" and speak of no chance of her ever breathing on her own.... while I watched her need for assisted breathing to decrease, and decrease, and decrease!!! She is a fearless- Godly women who I am going to be like. I'm not saying I am already, but I am going to strive to leave the legacy behind me that she will SOMEDAY have to leave behind as well.

Today, My grandparents live 2.5 minutes from my house, all on their own and in the best health possible for their age. They have daily struggles, but they are living, and loving. And I'm continuing to learn more about my own personal strength to be a strong rock and a godly, supportive women in my walk with Him.

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