Thursday, May 7, 2009

Writers Workshop: Oh Baby

I looooove having Mama Kat's prompts to give me a boost at the end of the week when I'm starting to run low on energy and my brain stops coming up with blog worthy material! So this week we have a big variety of questions, but ofcourse there are always certain ones that JUMP right off the page at me! Here's Kat's prompts from mama's losin' it for this week:

The Prompts:
1.) Create a video for your blog (vlog) and participate in Tim's "vlogemotions" by talking about an emotion you've felt this week. You can link up here AND link up at Tim's place at Fort Thompson on Thursday. That's have my permission to double dip.
2.) Do you want a baby?
3.) Who got in big trouble this week?
4.) Write a poem for your mother.
5.) Time for a trip? Where are you headed this summer?...Or where would you go if you COULD.

I'm certainly not a video blogger... me doing public speaking? Yeah... we'll work on that! Maybe some time soon I'll guts up and make that happen, but not today!

No one got in trouble this week and though I love my mother my creativity is on hiatus... therefore #2 win this time.

Do I want a baby? Did you say do I want to wake up every morning to crying that seems unmanagable, to sticky hands and crayon murals on the walls? Do I want to have to change smelly, stinky diapers, make time to puree carrots only to have it all flung at my head? Do I want to wake up at 3am to little knocks on the bedroom door begging to let she and puppy sleep with mommy and daddy? Do I want to kiss booboos and cut the crust off of every sandwich I make until I'm 45? Do I want the feeling of wanting to deck a 5 yr old little kid when they are the cause of the hurt feelings that I hear about on the ride home? Do i want to fall asleep in a chair waiting on their friends to drop them off 2 hrs after curfew? Do I want to have to take pictures the day they go to junior prom and look way too grown up to even bare?

Nah.. Not really.
Expected a different answer?
Wait... YES! I want a baby. Are you crazy?! Better yet do you think I'm crazy??? Ofcourse I want kids. I want four and I want to adopt or foster or whatever God sees fit and knows I can take on! I love children. I want babies for all the joy that they bring into this world. I do want my own babies, and one day hopefully that dream will come true.

All in good time! I'm not rushing my life. Life is great! I'm happy, we're happy, life is moving smoothly as planned :) *Knock on Wood!!!!!*

So even though I want a baby today.. don't mean it's going to be happening today! Or even this year just so were clear! :)

To all the mommies reading this I hope you're enjoying your sweet little blessings every day. The ones that I've had the opportunity of meeting thru your photos and stories are soooo beyond sweet and precious! Keep them safe and very well loved! Luckly children you have to have such beautiful amazing moms! Happy Early Mothers day girls!

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