Thursday, May 14, 2009

Get Out Of Town!

That's definitely the plan for memorial day weekend!!! Escaping all the craziness of a big city and drivin' off TO the beautiful sunsets (not to say that they sunsets here aren't beautiful tho!).

I'm so excited to get away for just a few days to few the sticky air of the beach, feel sand on my feet, go bear foot, and leave in my bathing suit for a whole 48 hours! I love that my hair goes naturally wavy the moment the beach air touches it. Its so awesome.

I'm all ready dreaming of pizza at night sitting on the porch laughing with my girls about who knows what! Just having a great time hanging out and enjoying life!
What does everyone have planned to their Memorial Day weekend? Any family traditions that y'all do every year? Or how about a new tradition that you've decided is just so wonderful you're going to start it this year!! I always LOVE new ideas, especial family traditions!

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