Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Soap Box Wednesday: Living here on Earth

Welcome to Soap Box Wednesday! If you haven't seen this up before, go on here and find out more! Get on up on your perverbial Soap Box and let me know what is on YOUR mind this week! What is it that's got your blood boiling, and drivin' ya crazy? Don't hold it in-- Get up on your Soap Box and shout from the roof tops! :)


I have been biting my toungue for days about all the things going on around me that have been just "Getting my goat" as Sweetheart likes to say. There have been so many things in the news and in my life in the last 7 days that have just floored me. I almost don't even know what to begin with because it isn't as if one problem is worse than any other. It all comes down to one singular cause of ALL of the problems that I have been seeing and that have been burdening my heart: Satan.

He is at the root of every evil thing that I have been seeing and that has been going on. He wraps His malicious talans around all of us. Some times it happens so ferociously and quickly that the anger in us is so unbearable- we may even forget what it was like to feel good and be happy. Othertimes He whispers "sweet" nothings in our ears and ever so slowly latches onto our hand and slowly hardens our hearts and weakens our walk with the Lord. So instead of my usual Soap Box rants, I want to list all the many things that I am shouting prayer for from my broken down Soap Box. My Soap Box is tattered just like me, but that does not make it ANY less powerful in this world. Please be in Prayer for these things as well.

1. Violence and bullying in Schools - Almost everyday a new story appears.. this time an 11yr old here in GA committed suicide because of the bullying that no teacher even tried to stop, and in Pennsylvania a 6 yr old showed up to school yesterday with a pistol showing it off for 3 hrs before he ever got caught. The 10th Anniversary of the Coloumbine shooting was April 10th, and despite how horrific it was, and how much of an impact Cassie Burnell ( The girl who died because she was unafraid to admit that YES she was a Christian as a gun was pointed at her head) made on my life, so many are numb to school shootings now- just one decade later. How did our world get like this?

I pray today that children would grow up in a moral world. One where there is no fear of worshiping God publicly, and where parents listen to their children when they tell them someone or something is hurting them at school. I pray that God protect the innocent, and burden the hearts of those who seek to harm others because of the harm they have faced.

2. Struggles on top of struggles - I've learned through experience that when life gets you down... you're probably going to get hit with something even harder pretty soon. I'm not being pessimistic I've just seen it in my own life, and I'm currently praying right now for other families to get through the rough situations as well.

God, Please be with those like Ellyn and Jen who need you to continue carrying them right now. You have brough them through so much heartache already, but no one can help feeling weak even in times of wanting to praise You for the good in our lives. Strengthen their hearts. They know to turn to you in good and bad, but Satan is always going to be waiting on the front steps inanticipation of a weak moment. Be with their families as they celebrate the joys of healthy children like Stellan and Seth, and as they deal with how sorrow effects their lives in ways that just can't be planned for.

3. Spitefulness - It's the third thing that has been on my mind, and just eatting at me. It's something I don't understand well, therefore I have a difficulty "getting it." Just because you know that someone has a lot of support and people praying for them, does not mean that you should NOT give of yourself as well, right? Do a lot of people feel this way towards others? Is it jealousy that they aren't receiving the attention or is it anger, or just satan whispering to them that it isn't fair? What is it yall that makes people afraid or even angry about others hepling others? It drives me crazy when I hear someone say, "She doesn't deserve to be prayed for.", "Why should I help him out? It's not like there aren't millions of other people with his same problem. What makes him so special?" or the "I'm sure they have enough help. Don't try getting involved with things that aren't your business." ARG! If you are the type of person who says those things well... Know that even without me knowing your name you are on my prayer list.

As a child I had a Precious Moment Bible. I was a really slow reader so learning bible versus was really hard for me. Luckily for me there were about 10 pictures sporatically in my bible that depicted verses. My favorite one (which turned into my favorite verse) was :

So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. II Corinthians 9:7

Dear Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Please give me words to listen and understand what leads people to speak unkindly of others, and give me the correct response when I hear words of negativity toward succoring those who are in need. Help me to not be redirecting from your plan because of the words of others.

Love you all from the depths of my heart,


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