Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Snipets meme: Who am I?

I challenge you: The Snipets Meme

Angie @ Seven Clown Circus gave me this great idea with the way that she wrote her "About Me" for her profile. I challenge y'all to tell your readers about yourself with only 25 short snipets. NO full sentences!! Don't be afraid to make up a few words here are there! Here's mine:

I'm Kaylan. Uber Cheermister. Lover of Sappy movies. Obsessive smiler. Listener extrodinaire. Obsessed with weddings and party planning. Could live on spaghetti. A tad bit overly out-spoken. Self-proclaimed blonde-hair-wannabe. Novice photographer. Big dream wisher. Hoper of a family and husband in the future. Earthy, but outgoing. Lives in the Kitchen. Loves to lay in the sun. Newly discovered bookworm. iPhone Carrier. Sometimes Sassy. Crazy about Orchids. Foe to few, friend to many. Auburn girl for life. LOST Fanatic. Puppy snuggler. Whistler of tunes. Boyfriend of sweetie. Daughter of the Great Almighty Father. I love life and everything I continue to learn in it!

Let me know when you post yours! I can't wait to read them :)


1 comment:

Nicole said...

You sound like a fun, smart and amazing person!