Wednesday, April 29, 2009

O.M.G.: Mama's Brush with Fame!!!!!!!


My mom had a "brush with fame" today! Okay... she actually only had a near brush with fame!

We live in the beautiful South and my mom & I love to go find new antique stores. Ofcourse.. my mother being really into interior decorating she has her favorite haunts, and since she's home right now she decided to do a little fun shopping! :)

While out and a bout she went to a store in a historic area and the lady owner told her Kathrine Heigl had just been in there shopping! In our own little area of town! I was shocked!!!!!

Isn't that so cool? Apparently my mom already knew that Katie's family lives here in our area, so she wasn't as shocked my the concept of her near run in, but I thought it was kinda neat.


If you ever by a miracle of God happen on my blog one day I just thought I
should say I hope you love what you bought at the Elegant Attic. Sooo
beautiful! You're an amazing actress, I pray you continue to have many
blessing in your work and with your husband Josh!

A fan since '96 (Wish Upon A Star :) ),


P.S. If ya ever want some one to catch a movie with or to grab dinner with
when you're in town and bored.. Call me

Okay I'm done coming across as strange! have yall had any near brushes with someone you really admire???


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