Monday, June 15, 2009

Puzzle Time:I have a Secret!!

So LAST MONDAY I told everyone that I had been keeping a secret.... I thought this would be a fun way to see if any can figure out the secret! If anyone can figure it out with these clues leave me a comment!! Give it your best shot even if you aren't quite sure!

Fill in the Blanks using the pictures Below: __ _____ __ the ______ __

Start Guessing! I'll Post Answer in the morning!

1 comment:

Jess :) said...

Are you moving to the midwest somewhere?!?!? :)

Sweet if you are!! Sad if you're not!! That's where I live! :) Anyways, I had to say midwest b/c our land, overall, is quite flat like that, but can be truly beautiful!! Anyways, can't wait to hear the big news!!!