Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Missing Week

The last week Fleeeew by so quickly! I can't even believe I haven't been able to find the time to blog in 7 days!

Well... just a few little updates of the most important things that have happend in the last 24hrs that are the most important before I go to bed:

1. MY GRAMS IS HOME!!! I'll elaborate later, but to put it simple (which it is..but isnt) My Grams has been in and out of the hospital since August. It's been the longest, most painful time in my life and the lives of my family, but Yesterday when I got home to Georgia I found out that my grams came home from rehabilatation yesterday and is at home just 2minutes from me! I ate dinner in about 5minutes and drove straight over to see her. Praise God that she is home and safe and happy to be there. It's been a whirlwind of a year, and I just can't stop smiling knowing is healthy and doing well.

2. My house smells like Raid... the worst smell in the world.. all because of a teeny tiny insect called ANTS. A swarm, colony, family.. whatever you want to call them made my home their home while I was away the last 2 weeks. They must have been having a good time since I killed about 2,000 of those lil' buddies last night. I was in shock.. then really annoyed... then upset.. then just had to laugh at the fact that it could have been a whole lot worse. I could of come home to an army of spiders or roaches and that would have been..well I prefer to not think about it, but I stopped where I was and thanked God making me grateful that I atleast have a home to go to BUGS AND ALL!! :)

3. Pray for Ankoo!! He has started Exam Period down at Auburn and is so unbelievably stressed out. He's so nervous about his last 3 exams, if u have a chance to pray his exams are Thursday at 7pm central time, next Monday at 8am, and Tuesday at 8am. I hope things just go smoothly, and everything lines up right for his graduation on December 19th!! I'm so proud of how much he's put in to changing his studying habits, and how hard he's worked the last 6 weeks to get to this point. Hopefully there is the right job waiting out there for him to find. We just keep praying about it every day and every night, and I know that He will answer our prayers.

4. I won the giveaway that Natalie had! I can't believe it!! Wow wow wow! I have never ever ever ever won a single contest, raffle, cake walk in my whole life! I'm very proud, my only problem was making a choice on which ornament to get and for who! Oh, and if winning wasn't surprising enough... the other winner was Cheryl, my cousin! Unbelievable! I'm so happy for her as well, she deserves a pretty ornament for her tree. I love her so much!

5. Hmm, okay I'm actually sleepy now, so thats enough updates for this Tuesday! Hope everyone reading this is having a wonderful week!

Love you all and Sweet dreams!


Nana said...

Hey KK - know that I am praying for Ankoo. I love your blogg and I love you too.

Cheryl said...

Glad you survived the Anto fiasco of 2008! ;~)

I'll be praying for Ankoo.

Natalie said my ornament could be mailed out by next week! woohoo!!!

Love ya!

Big Sister said...

Hey! I have a Football Talk post on my blog so come on over and check it out! I'll pray for Ankoo! Be sure to tell him hey for me! Can't wait to see you at Christmas!Love you!

Big Sister said...

Hey you need to post!NOW!As SOON as you read this! Look at the date of the last time you posted! LUV LUV LUV YOU!!!